[-empyre-] somehow
somehow the below stemmed out of the discussion. i'm also trying to read a
book on nonstandard analysis (Nonstandard Analysis by Alain M. Robert,
Dover), which isn't that difficult, but overlooks foundations. and the
Amitayur-Dhyana-Sutra (meditation sutra / on Amida). so a bit confused and
digging - alan
tiny nonstandard vowels where are they
but many consonants
consonants are "the building blocks of words"
words are "the building blocks of meaning"
"the building blocks of words are the building blocks of meaning"
therefore "consonants are the building blocks of meaning"
TThh ffrrsstt ddgghhttrr, TThh, wwllll ggrrww nntt ssccllrr qqllbbrrmm
wwtthh tthh UU ccrrttrr tt tthh ddgg ff tthh cc, xxpprrnngg ffrrsstt, tthh
ccrrttrr ttnnddnngg mmmm. ss ssttppppdd tthh ffrrsstt nndd wwnntt
tthhrrgghh ccppll ff ssllppllssss rrssdd, ssttrrppppnngg vvrryytthhnngg
bbrr bbttwwnn ss, mmyy ccnnssccssnnssss tthh ffrrsstt nnvvrr hhvv llvvdd
nntt ddlltthhdd; tthhyy rr tthh ffrrsstt nndd llsstt pphhllsspphhrrss.
nnttmmccss ffrrmmdd bbyy pprrttccllss wwtthhnn sswwnn ffrrsstt TThh
ffrrnnddss ssdd ww wwrr ssrrpprrssdd yy llssttdd tthhss llnngg. tthhrr
ttwwssttdd mmllccll ffrrmm ccllxx, tthh llsstt ttkknn ffttrr tthh ddbbccll
nn nnvvrr hhvv llvvdd nntt ddlltthhdd; tthhyy rr tthh ffrrsstt nndd llsstt
pphhllsspphhrrss. CCllssdd wwtthh ccllsspp wwhhrr sshh bbrrtthhdd hhrr
llsstt. @wwhh @wwhh @llssttllgg @llssttllgg
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